Outstanding Leadership in Use of a Mobile Solution
The Mobile Satellite Users Association (MSUA) recently announced Intelsat as the company earning the 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Use of a Mobile Solution Award for its contributions in providing continuous, secure broadband internet connectivity for disaster response after the earthquake in Haiti in August of 2021.

“With Intelsat’s FlexMove network, NGOs all around the world can quickly deploy to a disaster zone with reliable, ready-to-use, high-speed connectivity. The network supports critical mobility solutions for vehicles and portable connectivity for temporary network access in a fixed location. FlexMove enables an internet connection to be established within minutes without the need for any prior in-depth technical training making this an ideal solution for emergency response teams that need to deploy at a moment’s notice,” says Lisa Dreher, President, MSUA. “Our panel of five judges reviewed over 60 nominations this year to narrow in on the top mobile satellite innovations for 2022 and saw Intelsat’s role in supporting emergency response teams around the world as important to saving lives,” continues Dreher.
“Intelsat worked with HELP.NGO, an experienced international disaster response team trained to respond quickly to emergencies when existing communication networks fail, to support their mission to mobilize resources and equipment with the goal of restoring connectivity rapidly. The team quickly deployed to the epicenter to assess the earthquake damage,” explains Joel Schroeder, Director, Land Mobile Products, Intelsat. “Using the latest satellite technology and applications for situational awareness, emergency responders were able to jump-start their response with quick and efficient resource coordination,” says Schroeder.
Company to Watch – Omnispace: The Omnispace hybrid network will combine the reach of a non-geostationary orbit satellite constellation with the capacity of the world’s leading mobile wireless carrier networks.
Chairman’s Award for Outstanding Innovation – SpaceLink: SpaceLink provides a direct link to a relay satellite that transmits data to and from the ground for immediate access via the internet, private cloud, or other secure links.
Aerospace Mobile Innovation – Inmarsat: Inmarsat’s L-band Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (LAISR) capability was developed in response to government requirements for cost-effective, high-speed, beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) global connectivity for small-aperture aero platforms.
Land Mobile Innovation – Kymeta: Kymeta’s u8 flat-panel satellite antenna and connectivity services provide revolutionary mobile connectivity on both satellite and satellite-cellular hybrid networks to customers around the world.
Maritime Mobile Innovation – ST Engineering iDirect: ST Engineering iDirect’s multiservice Dialog® platform and high-speed MDM5010 modem are suited to the demands of the maritime market.
Government Mobile Innovation – Integrasys: CLEANRF can effectively cancel a significant number of harmful interference sources on satellite-to-ground links for GEO, MEO, and LEO satellites, as well as 5G over C-band interferences.
Environment, Social, Governance Impact Innovation – Thuraya: The Thuraya MarineStar satcom solution provides affordable comms for vessel management; crew welfare for connected communities and sustainable fishing, and SatTrack web app ensures compliance with fishing laws and sustainable practices.
Outstanding Leadership in Use of a Mobile Solution – Intelsat: In August 2021, a powerful earthquake hit southern Haiti causing severe damage to terrestrial communication networks. Intelsat FlexMove was quickly deployed to the disaster zone to provide reliable, ready-to-use, high-speed connectivity.
Top Mobile Marketing Campaign – Iridium: With Iridium’s Get Lost! marketing campaign users are invited to, “Get Over It!”, when cellular networks are unavailable because they know Iridium-connected devices still enable them to call, text, use GPS tracking, or send an SOS in an emergency.
Startup Mobile Innovation – hiSky: hiSky operates a cost-effective and easy-to-install IoT network, consisting of Smartellite satellite terminals, HUB, and a cloud-based network management system (NMS).
New Space Mobile Innovation –Solstar Space: The Solstar Deke Space Communicator (DSC) is a narrowband communications device that enables two-way persistent communications with on orbit assets from any internet connected device anywhere on Earth or in space.
5G Hybrid Wireless Mobility Innovation – Omnispace: Omnispace’s proposed global 5G standards-based non-terrestrial network (NTN) is designed to deliver global, seamless, 5G connectivity for a variety of applications including heavy equipment, connected vehicles, UAVs, and smart phones.
Mobile User Experience Innovation –Marlink: Marlink has created the Network of Networks as a standalone solution that supports digitalization by combining satellite signals from GEO, LEO, MEO, 4/5G, and Wi-Fi service providers into one seamless service.
Connected Mobile Platform Innovation – Iridium: The Iridium Certus 100 is Iridium’s groundbreaking "mid-band" service that addresses the need for small form factor and battery- or line-powered mobile equipment, capable of two-way IP data and high quality voice services.